The Bravat Electronic Faucet .Why spend thousands, upon thousands of dollars every year on water that just goes to waste? What you need is a quality Electronic Faucet that has a finished, high-end look that has the ability to save your money from going down the drain. Whether you want to use this professional looking Faucet just to have it for home use or for your business. With a solid Chrome finish, this Bravat Electronic Faucet will be sure to last longer than your monies worth. Minimize waste of water, by using the Electronic Faucet. Handel operated faucets in public restrooms can be breeding ground for germs and other bacterias while touch-free operation means that you can avoid the mess and spread of germs entirely. This touchless faucet not only hygienic but will immediately reduces water waste by eliminating unnecessary and unattended water flow. Fits all standard US plumbing .Uses 4AA Alkaline Batteries (purchase separately).Water Pressure: 0.5 - 7.0 KGS/cm, 10-125 psi.